The last few months have been a roller coaster ride for me. Not a fun ride but one of those roller coasters you wish you could just get off of because its making you so very sick and when it’s over you spend the rest of your days throwing up.
Since 1994 I have had a love/hate relationship with food. Years of tummy troubles, brain fog, weakness and fatigue. I would be good one day and the next I wouldn’t be able to function to save my life. In 2006 I was diagnosed with Celiac disease. Problem solved or so I thought. I felt good for a while but ended up back on the same roller coaster ride. Fast forward to 2014 (I don’t want to bore you) I reached my limit and I was either going to get off the roller coaster or die jumping off it because I just couldn’t handle it any more. Pain, bloating, gallbladder issues, heart palpitations, fatigue, grumpiness, brain fog to name just a few of my daily battles.
I had no idea that food, the very food that should be sustaining my life was taking my life. When I got all my tests back I was terrified I would starve. I thought I could never eat again. But after I ranted and raved and cried and yes threw a fit on the floor and plunged into a day or two depression I got up and decided to learn instead of just assume.
What I have are food sensitivities, they are not all food allergies. Whew! Okay what does that mean?
food allergies/intolerance/sensitivity is explained here. It’s a pretty long article and again I don’t want to bore you.
So right now I have three things going against me. Well I have a lot more but for the sake of not going into 20 years of medical history I am going to stick with food.
Things that I am ALLERGIC to: Egg white, Soy, White Navy beans.
(Yes that was my reaction too! what? White navy beans, I never even seen a white navy bean)
I however have food SENSITIVITY to: Amaranth, Apricots, asparagus, barley, bran, brazil nuts, Brussels sprouts, buckwheat, carob, cashew, celery, clams, cloves cocoa, coffee, corn, Dairy, flaxseed, ginkgo biloba, horseradish, malts, melons, millet, oats, okra, orange, oyster, papaya, pecan, poppy seed, pumpkin, rye, squash, tapioca, turnip, walnuts, wheat, whey yeast,
The doctor explained that I may have tested sensitive because they are foods I eat all the time but coffee and okra are the only things on there that I eat a lot of so not sure how I became sensitive to all the rest. Okay when I do eat I eat lots; like Brussels sprouts, don’t even try to stop me when I start. And the gluten well I haven’t eaten that in 8 years. So they are foods that my body doesn’t like but one day may be okay with them again, well except gluten because of the Celiac Disease.
But here is the twist, I also have a candida infection so along with all the foods listen above, all those I can’t have because of Celiac I also have to eliminate all sugar, fruits high in sugar, starchy veggies, shellfish, mushrooms, vinegar, oils, peanuts and yeast.
On with my story. I have eliminated all these items from my diet. I need to do it for 8-12 weeks. I then can add in the level one sensitivities one at a time every two weeks as long as I don’t show symptoms. I may be able to add the last one back in by the time I reach 99. Not really but it sure feels that way.
I am a foodie, I love food and I thought my life was over with celiac disease. But I with the Grace of God managed and rearranged. I know I will manage again by the Grace of God but He is going to have to work overtime on this one because I am still in the poor me stage and have no idea what to do.
I just want to eat.
I just want freedom to eat.
I’m not picky; I have been eating the same protein bar now for 30 days because I can’t tolerate any other foods. But the protein bar was taken away because it had flax plus it was the culprit in upsetting my gallbladder so bad.
Ever feel like you just can’t win?
My prayers every day will be Please God find me food to eat.
Thanks for reading. Hopefully this info helps someone who just can’t seem to get well and doctors have no idea! Try testing for food sensitivities and allergies. I am hoping this changes my entire life.