Sorry that you haven’t heard from me in awhile, with the new year comes new diets. Most the people in the house are doing the Whole 30 diet. since we only do this for the first 30-60 days we never try anything too fancy. We stick with a nice slab of meat with a side of veggies and fruit. This doesn’t leave much for me to post about.
Once dieting is over, I will be back to cooking new things to share with you, but for now I am working on a master index of recipes so that you can just see what all I have on my site without having to search through pages of boring posts!
If you have any ideas how you would like to view this (alphabetically, per category, etc) shoot me a message. I want to make finding things on my site as easy as possible, after all that is what my who website is about……easy.
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So Stick around, I will be posting more soon.