I learned there are two ways to make gluten free doughnuts: The hard way, and the easy way.
They both taste good, but one definitely has the edge over the other one for many reasons. Lets take a quick look at them.
The hard way!
Make whatever recipe you find. Fill your doughnut pan with it and bake in the oven. It may have been my batter, or my pan but when I piped it in, I expected it to go flat and smooth on top which it didn’t . You can see my ridges from my piping bag. Now again, it was probably my recipe or my pan. I have never been happy with my doughnut pan which is why I bought a mini doughnut maker.
I frosted them all up with light blue frosting and sprinkled them up. They looked pretty and the kids loved them, they definitely were yummy and I used the extra frosting to frost my zucchini muffins which I also tried to make into doughnuts.
Now, The easy way!
Take a box of your favorite cake mix. Cut the ingredients that you add by 1/3 except for the water/milk. For example if it calls for 3 eggs, you add 1. If it calls for 1/2 cup oil you add 3.5 tbsp. For the liquid sub water for milk. But don’t add all the milk at once, do a little at a time until you get the right consistency; but I have found you generally use the full amount. Pipe it into you doughnut pan or your mini doughnut maker. I loved my mini doughnut maker as it cooked both sides so the entire outside was crispy leaving the inside moist and soft and airy. I fell in love with these doughnuts. I wish I had a big doughnut maker like this.
I am a do it the easiest way possible type of cook although I don’t like boxed foods but for this I really preferred the taste and texture of it better. So until I find a better recipe, I am making doughnuts the easy way.