Of course Glutino would come out with a full size graham cracker now that my kids are out of elementary school. How these would have come in handy when they made the famous yearly graham cracker houses at Christmas time. These would have also been handy during camping trips and still will be but only one kiddo is at home to enjoy them now.
First lets say this product is way over due and I am so thankful to have found these. Growing up on graham crackers and frosting these have been a lot of fun to test out for my review. I may have eaten the whole box while doing so minus the three I shared with my son.
At first I was thinking these would be very breakable, they seemed at first feel a little delicate but they actually held up better than I expected. They are not as durable as the original (gluten containing) graham crackers but they surely are better than anything I have found, even better than home-made but that not is not saying too much as I don’t dabble with home-made graham crackers but once a year.
The taste was pretty spot on for a graham cracker taste. and although I didn’t do the two things that I should have done to test it out (smore’s and making a graham cracker pie crust) what I did test it with really hit the spot. I dipped in milk and I ate with frosting and they were both awesome ways to enjoy it, keep in mind you want to eat pretty fast after dipping in milk as it soaks it up really well. It makes a mess but its a really good mess.
If you follow me on facebook you know my childhood memories involve frosting in the middle of two graham crackers. I think for the memories alone I would spend more than I did on these crackers just to have them, but as luck would have it I found them at Wal-Mart and for now they are only $5.64 a box. I am sure like all things the price will go up as they see people like me buying it. I went back to the store to get more and they were already out of the 10 boxes that were there two days prior. That will teach me to tell my local peeps about great products.
So to sum it all up, these get two thumbs up and when I asked my son (although he reminded me I didn’t share much) he gave them two thumbs up. Taste, Texture, Cost, Usefulness is all there.
Thank you Glutino