How in the world do you make s’mores when:
1. you are gluten free
2. you can’t find GF graham crackers anywhere
3. You want to make a big batch for a group of hungry women.
You make a basic cereal bar with marshmallow, butter, cereal and additional ingredients.
melt 1-2 Tbsp butter and add marshmallows. Place in microwave 30 seconds to a minute depending on your microwave and then stir. Add your cereal and coat well. Add in the chocolate chips and the secret ingredient.
I had to get the graham cracker taste in there somehow so I used a pie crust. Normally I would painstakingly make my own graham crackers (ha ha ha okay really I know how I have done it.) but that would take too much time.
Once your cereal is all mixed add in crumbled graham cracker (pie crust) and press into a pan to make bars or mini muffin tins for individual cups of goodness.
Once all set take them out and top with 3 or more marshmallows and place under the broiler to get that toasted marshmallow look and taste.
It really is as simple as that.
I used chocolate Chex and maybe next time I will just use a rice since these came out very chocolatey. But a room full of women and chocolate treats I think will match well.
But wait; One more thing. These are for bible study ladies so how do I tie this all together?
And there it is.