I am placing the photo first so you can just drool a little over these cookies before reading my review. Glutino came out with two new products, graham crackers and these Italian filled cookies. I saw these and my mind immediately thought of a dear friend who had so much trouble giving up her Milano cookies. (I have never had one but they were addiction to her) so I snatched these up. I wish I would have grabbed a bunch more because all my local peeps were at the store and the very next day they were all gone. Not sure Wal-mart anticipated that as I have gone back every day for the last week and nothing re-stocked yet.
Since I have no idea what a Milano cookie tastes like I shared these with a friend. She is my new guinea pig so to speak since most of my other friends are getting to use to eating my gluten-free things and I want to always make sure I compare as best as I can to non gluten-free items. Her thoughts were “Oh my goodness these are so good”, “they are a little less buttery flakey” “they taste almost identical other than a tad more dense” “these are amazing cookies” She gave this two thumbs up and all her fingers.
For me I thought I was royalty. I can just imagine sitting with the queen with a cup of tea enjoying these. They were light, thin and wafery thin and the filling (I had fudge) was similar to a nutella, it wasn’t just a fudge like you would find in a keebler cookie. It was a rich, delicate, beautiful fudge in between two light and flaky cookies and your taste buds just passed out from having something so good and your whole body is filled with elation like you never felt……………..Okay a little imaginative but really these cookies are that good.
They come so beautifully packaged, three packs per bag and each pack has 4 cookies. Just the perfect little things. The packs make it so they are not crushed. My cookies were perfect in the packs, but no guarantees with the way stores handle products.
I just don’t know what else to say about these, they are amazing in every way. Seriously its like you enter a different world when you eat these. Close your eyes, sip your tea, eat a cookie and suddenly you are royalty in a castle. I know what all the hype was on Milano cookies now as these little cookies just take your life in a whole new direction.
Glutino you have my heart for making these cookies.
That is all, there is no more, you have to get some!!!!!!
I really want to know your thoughts, if you have tried these will you let me know!

I found them to, once:( I should have cleaned the store out. Now I can’t find them and they aren’t on the Glutino website. I saw them a week or 2 ago on amazon for $20/ bag. They weren’t quite that good. Lol
They disappeared as fast as they appeared. I do have a email into the company for clarification. I am very sad about this.
Contact glutino to reintroduce. I just did.
They did horrible marketing and cookies were hard to find
What was the response you got from them? I am not sure what the heck happened, I know they flew off the shelves as soon as they were put out.
Thank you for taking the time to email me regarding our Glutino Italian Crème Cookies . It gives me great pride to have the opportunity to interact with the individuals who use our products.
I regret having to disappoint you, but we are no longer manufacturing this product as it has been discontinued. Discontinuing an item is never an easy decision for us. However, based on lack of demand at the retail level; this item is no longer available.
I am confident that you will be able to find an alternate item within our product line that you will enjoy.
Brand Ambassador
Should you have additional questions, please call us at 1-800-432-3102.
Please bring back. Best GF cookie ever!!!
I love these so much!!! I can’t find them anywhere! I am contacting glutino to bring them back. They are my favorite. They were only out for a week.
I don’t know why they pulled them but it was the saddest day ever when they did. These cookies were amazing and I can’t imagine there was no interest them. I saved my last pack like they were pure gold and cried as I ate the last one. 🙁