Is Gluten Free Normal?

Funny title I know,

Just recently I blogged about Pizza Hut coming out with “certified” gluten free pizzas.   I mentioned how much I would love to feel like everyone else and have a pizza delivered to me after a trying day.  A date night with delivered food.    Just like we use to do before (ugh sometimes I hate the word) Celiac……………… and how it would make me feel normal.

Its easy I think for my little guy age 9 who has never had gluten except when I was breast feeding and it made him sicker than a dog constantly so he has never known what real gluten tastes like, he has never experienced the fast foods (other than taco bell and red robins) or the delivery of food.  So he don’t know any different and in my mind I would love to hope he just thinks this is normal life.   Its the only life but normal and he looks at other people who don’t cook at home not normal.    I know he longs for foods he can’t have like right now; he would give almost anything to eat utz cheese balls in that big 5 gallon jug from Walmart, he always has wanted to eat a gold fish cracker but we do very well at interchanging most things (like allergy free oreo type cookies) for him.   It has proven hard at times for him to understand why he can’t have his friends cookies after all he has some at home just like it, why he can’t eat movie popcorn we do all the time at home.  He lives in a safe world where its normal.

but I need to be reminded I guess too that life outside of home is not normal.

I went to a fair that was giving away samples.  My thought was great how fun… I can’t eat anything I am on a diet. (notice I didn’t say celiac)   so my daughter (also dieting) planned and we brought a container to get samples to bring home and eat later when we were off our diet.   1/2 way through the event I did the biggest V8 slap to the forehead imaginable.   What the heck was I even thinking?   I couldn’t eat a single sample (yay for daughter she gets more) they were all gluten.

I spent the next hour shaking my head and scolding myself for being so stupid.   what was I thinking?   I was thinking I eat all these things at home, so to me it felt natural to grab a piece.  I have this stuff at home, we make some of the things all the time and I guess its just so easy to forget that when we eat so good at home why we can’t just grab something away from home.

this isn’t the first time either.  So many times I caught myself grabbing a cookie that is free and then having to stash it or throw it away wondering what the heck I was doing.

Life may not be normal outside of  our home for those of us with Celiac but it must be pretty dang close at home to make us forget we have restrictions.   It has made me think all night long about what normal means, what I am missing (which is nothing at all but convenience at times, like when I want a donut at the gas station.   at home it takes me forever to whip up a batch)   but over all I think we are normal even if I like to whine and complain about what I miss,   there is so much more that I don’t miss and that’s good healthy safe food.

darn Gluten world you make it so hard on us in the way of convenience but you will never take away our ability to eat well and feel normal.

Now if you excuse me I want to go bake some safe sweets to make up for all the ones I put in the freezer today that I cannot eat.     thinking fudge, brownies, cookies, cake,

okay maybe not but I could if I wanted to  and it would be totally normal.

for me anyway.

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