Stuffed Peppers

Anything stuffed is better,

A stuffed teddy bear

A stuffed belly

a stuffed bell pepper…………………….


This weekend my husband and I combined forces in the kitchen to come up with an amazing stuffed pepper that even the kids enjoyed.

we started out with fresh bell peppers, using green, orange and yellows.  Personally I like the Orange and yellow the best but I also do green since that is what my husband likes.


Making the filling was a little more time-consuming since my husband is just a throw this or that in cook and he just keeps at it until it tastes good.  But the first and foremost most important thing we have found when cooking is using fresh ingredients.  We have absolutely loved our herb garden.


Basic structure of a stuffed pepper is a meat mixture and a sauce mixture.

for the meat mixture we just used ground beef, garlic, onions, and rice.  But not just any rice!   We use a long grain Thai Jasmine Rice. We are picky about rice for two reason, with my MTHFR I can not eat enriched rice and because this Thai Jasmine Rice has a unique flavor and aroma that we just love.   For those of you who think all rice is created equal, it is not.  For those of you who use it, that popcorn craving gets pretty bad doesn’t it?


For the sauce, We use those fresh herbs, tomato sauce, tomato paste, a blend of dry herbs, onions, garlic, red wine, and anything else we feel like throwing in.   If you don’t have time to simmer a sauce for hours then you can use a spaghetti, marinara, or even a pizza sauce to make it easier.

After you have all that ready,  its time to stuff your peppers alternating between meat and sauce mixtures.   When you are done with that, find other things to stuff.  My husband loves a good stuffed jalapeno, so we had to make a few of those. I don’t enjoy them, too hot for me but my husband sure enjoys them.   Anaheim peppers are good too, those I will eat.

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After stuffing, place them in a 350 degree oven and cook until heated through.   Make sure you don’t over cook or the the peppers become mushy.   We tried stuffed peppers in a crock pot once and it was like eating stuffed pepper mush, still good just not as appealing on the palate.

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We paired this with homemade GF Caesar salad.  We are on a Caesar salad kick made with all fresh ingredients.  I am not going to lie, I enjoy it because I sneak anchovies while we are making the salad.    Shame on me, but they are so good.


The only thing better than cooking with your spouse in the kitchen is eating with him or her.   We enjoy our cooking time together and come up with some pretty amazing foods.

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