What to do with Leftover Potato Chips…..

Leftover potato chips, is there such a thing? If it were me eating them the answer would be NO however I have a kid who gets potato chips in his lunch every day and always without fail brings me home ¼ of the bag with chips that have been crushed. He won’t eat the little bits so I guess it’s up to me to find a way to use them.
Waste Not Want Not my momma always told me. We grew up where one didn’t waste food. This bothers my family to no end since in the last 20 years we never really had to want for anything. My kids don’t understand what it means to go hungry unless of course they just didn’t feel like eating what I cooked.
Anyway I take his chips and I put them in my mini food processor and I give them a whiz. I keep these in the freezer as I buy organic chips and well like any chip with the oil it will go rancid. If I get a big stash and don’t feel like I will use it soon enough I vacuum pack it and put it in the deep freeze. But there are many good uses for crushed potato chips.
Here are just a few:
Note: some require more course type chips so don’t whiz them in your food processor until you know what you are using them for. I have both course and fine in my freezer.
1. The most obvious is to put them atop of your casseroles.
2. Use them as a breading for fish, chicken, pork chops, etc…..
3. Add them to chocolate chip or any cookie.
4. Put them in your peanut butter and honey sandwich. Sweet and salty.
5. Add it as a crunchy topping to your ice-cream. Sweet and salty combo again.
6. Put them in your tuna salad sandwich
7. Put them into brownies
8. Potato chip bark, melted chocolate bark with added potato chips, spread on wax paper.
9. Use them as a binder in meatloaf, but omit the salt as the chips have enough
10. Make caramel spiced apples and use the potatoes on top as a salted crunch effect.
11. Top your tomato soup with them or any soup.
12. Potato chip fudge, there is lots of recipes online
13. And Last but trust me there are a million more – Top your Macaroni and cheese with them!

What do you do with your leftover potato chips?

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