Chicken with Apples & Raisins

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Today’s recipe comes from Chef Fran Walker and was put together for tasting by my very own sister.   I sat this one out because we have allergies to apples and no one will eat raisins in my home except me, so I let my sister take the reins on taste testing and preparing.

Her family quite enjoyed the sweetness this dish had to offer and it is very easy to make once you get past the time-consuming chopping of the ingredients.   For easier meal prep, we recommend skinless chicken breasts however any cut of meat will work.  I feel this would also taste great with lean pork chops.  Over all this dish got an A for taste so I am sharing with you.  Best part is, it was naturally gluten-free so no substitutions had to be made, got to love that!

This pairs well with almost anything. Quinoa comes to mind for us but my sister enjoyed hers with homemade hash browns.

I love it when someone shares with me a tried and true good recipe.

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