Namaste Foods, review

Usually I have learned to just cook from scratch however I am not the best when it comes to cooking and find myself sill relying on food mixes made by other people who just seem to have a knack for it.   But with food allergies its difficult that is why I have to tell you about Namaste Foods.   They make great mixes.   I have not tried them all, although one day I hope to. I have enjoyed those I have tried and best of all they are free from all the allergens!   I find many mixes that are gluten-free, even some that are gluten and dairy free but gluten/dairy/soy free not very often.

You have to look at what these guys offer.   they are great. but there are some I find need a few tweaks.

The brownie mix just tastes a lot better if you leave it a little gooey and not bake it so much and add a jar of marshmallow cream.

the blondie is the same way don’t cook it as much and it will be so moist and delicious.  adding enjoy life chips makes it a wonderful cupcake.

the chocolate frosting mix I like mixing with coconut oil

sadly there is more that I haven’t tried than I have tried as in my neck of the woods they are very expensive and not all products are sold here but one day I will get around to trying them all and when I do I will be sure to let you know.

Check them out, I really do enjoy their products and when taking something to school where other kids have food allergies what better way then to mix this up so that all the kids can have a chance to have a treat!    don’t forget to bring in the package so that the other mothers can read ingredients and also learn about Namaste foods!

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