This is a bakery down in Portland. Hard place to get to if you don’t know your way around but worth it if you can manage a stop in. I was sad they didn’t have cinnamon rolls but we were able to get a few goodies just to taste and try. I would love to try it all but alas I haven’t found a bakery yet that offers a sampler platter but I am thrilled to just find a 100% gluten free bakery.

- Salted Caramel Chocolate chip bar. Mouth watering gooey goodness that tickled my taste buds. This was my favorite out of all the ones I tried from Petunias. Perfect pairing of salty sweet gooey bar shaped yumminess. I could eat this every day and never get tired of it.
- We tried a buster bar which was basically a giant buckeye type dessert. It had a peanut butter oat crust with peanut butter middle with a light ganache of chocolate on top. I would prefer more chocolate and less oat/peanut crust but that is just my preference. It was yummy however and we enjoyed it.
- We tried a mint chocolate brownie and this was so rich and so minty it was like eating a deluxe andes mint. Texture was good and the sweetness overload was amazing paired with the mint.
- We also tried the sugar cookie as we love to try them when we see them to compare with our famous Soft Sugar Cookie recipe that is in recipe files. This was a great cookie no doubt especially since it was Vegan. We were quite impressed but happy to say we still love our recipe the best even though it isn’t vegan.
I wish I could have sampled so much more but alas that was not possible. Maybe one day Bakeries will get wise and offer sampler platters to certain people (like me) so that we can try and review everything. I am lucky enough to have co-tasters (gluten free and non gluten free) to help me so I don’t have to eat all these things by my self although trust me I am a big big contributor to the eating portion on this. But I like to get other opinions as well on taste and texture.
Its another one of those must stop at places if you are in Portland. Butterfly Belly is close by so hit them both up for Dinner and dessert and then waddle home like we did.