QuestBar Review

My mouth has died and gone to heaven!  


I am enjoying this little beauty right now!  My mouth is exploding with flavors and the gluten free graham crackers in this are just divine.   Today was my first day trying the smores and I have  cookies and cream for my next taste adventure. I am one happy person right now literally, these make me smile!

I discovered these quest bars in January however my daughter liked the cookie dough so I just started buying those by the box and then ventured out to some other flavors recently.  Although I do not like them all (just not my taste but they may be your favorite) I love most of them.

First off they are filling and most the times when I need a bar it is because I am on the go for a meal and need something to replace that.  At 180 calories I have to remember to go back and eat more but honestly I forget sometimes as I am 100% satisfied until its time for my next meal.

They have 20 grams of protein.   My body personally thrives on protein and the more the better so sometimes when I am lacking my protein intake I grab one of these as a snack to help boost my intake.   Getting my protein has never tasted so good.

13 grams of fiber which is why I suppose they are so filling however I don’t keep track of my fiber but if you are then this is good.

I don’t do sugar, no honey, no corn syrup no tapioca syrup, high fructose what ever you want to call sugar that isn’t natural.   If I do a sugar, I use stevia, erythitol or Xylitol.  All other sugar subs cause extreme issues with me not to mention weight gain, and awful side effects so when I saw this I was excited.   it has sucralose which made me hesitate for a little, I actually waited over a month before I got brave enough to try it.   But the sucralose is so minimal that I have not had any side effects whatsoever and I haven’t gained a single pound  (okay I lost some but that’s okay, that comes from when I forget to add more to my meal than just a bar).  So I am okay with the sweeteners in this product.

The taste in these little things are simply divine to put it simply!   I eat it very slowly with a cup of coffee and I feel like I have cheated in the worst way by indulging in such sweet chewy flavorful goodness.   My mouth is watering just thinking about the bar that was sitting before me when I started writing this post.  I could easily go grab another but that would be an over kill on pure joy on my body’s senses.

What about the other products? Quest products

I have only tried the bars, but they have protein powders, (really thinking they should put the peanut butter and chocolate one together as a swirl mix), they have chips, they have pasta, they also have peanut butter cups.    Why haven’t I tried these?   Well all my store carries is the protein bars and protein powder so I am limited on just grabbing something to try.   Soon I hope to try everything!

I would love to try everything and let you know how it is but for now all I can vouch for is the bars but oh what a review that is!    I am not kidding when I say if I were stranded on an island I would want to be stranded with a life time supply of these bars in a variety of all their flavors!   Now If I knew I was never going to get off that island and I would die there then of course I would say give me unlimited pastries and donuts (after all why be healthy at that point right?).   Oh and don’t forget the coffee that would be my beverage of choice for either one.

If you haven’t tried one – Go do so right now.  My gym carries the bars, and my local GNC.  You can also find them on Amazon and right from Quest nutrition.    There is no excuse not to get one.

Oh there is one word of warning:   they are sooooooooooooo addictive!  Sorry that is the downside.

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