BBQ Chicken and Cornbread

I can imagine you can see a theme in my cooking lately.  Yes cornbread.  I find that it is so versatile to use as a base in almost any dish.  Stew, mish mash, throw together, leftovers….you can put almost anything on cornbread and make a delicious meal.  Its filling when you have to stretch your budget, when there isn’t much left in the fridge to get rid of or just on lazy I forgot to cook days.

Last night dinner was corn bread with shredded BBQ chicken on top with some shredded cheese.  Cheese wasn’t necessary but for my family they like their cheese and will eat about anything with cheese on it.  But to my surprise the combo made a delicious meal.   Sadly it went so fast I didn’t get a photo.

I simply baked my cornbread, then heated leftover shredded chicken from our rotissaire chicken meal on Sunday and added BBQ sauce until it was a sloppy mess.   Put it on top of my baked cornbread and covered with cheese and put back into the oven on warm to keep every thing ready to go when the husband got home from work.    they devoured almost the whole pan.



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