Eating Right Deluxe Macaroni & Cheese boxed meal Review

I know it seems like I have been doing a lot of product reviews lately and well I admit I have been eating a lot of processed foods.   One because my husband was gone and well who cooks when the hubby is gone?  I applaud your stamina if you do but I chill, let the kids fend for themselves.  Okay I did cook for the little one but everyone else…they were on their own.

We don’t buy processed items, canned items, or pre-made stuff hardly at all anymore so I used this time to get rid of things in my freezer and pantry.  Most were items I bought thinking they looked good but there they sat because we just don’t eat that kind of food in our home.

First off I wanted to be able to direct you to a website, I think that is the most important thing of a review.  But I literally spent 20 minutes searching, every phrase on the box and came up with nothing!

It is a Safeway brand food put out by Lucerne Food Inc.  It is Called Eating right for Gluten free, Gluten free deluxe Macaroni and cheese.  So I will just post the pictures.

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I had a gluten eater with me at the time we sampled this. (don’t you love that term.  I use it all the time, oh you’re a gluten eater?  oh yeah I forget you’re a gluten eater!….he he he well it is only fair we get oh your on that gluten-free diet, or your one of those people who won’t eat gluten all the time.  Yeah no, I would never choose this life, it is only because of the Celiac.   but enough ranting)

her opinion that it tasted a lot like Velveeta mac and cheese.   I haven’t had Velveeta in a very long time but I recall it being a lot better than this.   I found this to have a very processed, plastic, fake, non creamy, non appealing, brown rice after taste and texture that was just not something I would put into my mouth again unless I had no other options.

She doctored it up the next day with some hot dogs cut into it and again she said it was not worse than normal boxed gluten filled macaroni and cheeses (cheap brands mind you, not kraft Mac and cheese)   So I guess I can’t complain too much it is just as good as the gluten filled boxed things.

Would I buy it again, Yeah probably for a camping trip but it won’t be on my grocery list and not just because we don’t buy processed food, it’s just I won’t feed this to my family when there is just so many other ways to make better tasting gluten-free mac and cheese including boiling up some pasta and melting processed cheese over it.

My reviews lately have been less than fun, I am so ready for a brand I can brag about and recommend to everyone.    Will that happen soon?  I sure hope so.


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