Juicing, Juicing, Juicing

Years ago when they couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me (pre celiac and full-blown colitis) I was reduced to juicing.  I couldn’t tolerate any food and well juicing made me sick too but we thought the nutrients might absorb better.    Even though I hated having to do it I still enjoyed the flavor.   (this may sound funny but I hate chewing. never have liked it and I would rather eat soft foods so I don’t have to)  throughout the years I have done a lot of protein shakes, smoothies and meal replacement type drinks.   I love it!

well I have gone back to step one in my health and I can’t tolerate foods again, colitis is in full swing, it decided to come out of remission to make my life miserable.   Okay I know everything happens for a reason so I searched the internet (wonderful thing) to find a good detox juicing regiment.  I wanted everything bad out and am hoping that helps restart my body.

I found Joe Cross’s 3 day weekend cleanse.  I thought I can do three days. If I like it I can do more if not its only three days.   http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/joe-cross-3-day-weekend-juice-cleanse.

Pros – I loved all the juices except lunch although today being the third day I have tolerated it without grimacing.  All the other juices I could drink all day long no problem.  Dinner being my most favorite.   (I altered it a little by making the last juice dinner as I wanted no solid food in my system)     It was easy to drink a glass and continue on, busy moms dream.

cons – the cost was outrageous.   fresh fruits and veggies.  yeah $100 for three days.  not to mention I had to buy a juicer after the vitamix just didn’t work.  I will write more on that later.   you have to drink immediately because the longer it sits the more nutrients it looses.   some meals there is a lot of juice.   stay at home, you will be going potty every 10 minutes and oh yeah be ready for some awesome colored stools.

Here is a neat note that I learned.   When you eat beets and your urine turns reddish/orangish then that means you are anemic.  I was anemic day one and day two and by day three I am not.   Amazing.  I will have to keep that in mind that when I get sluggish to go eat a beet rather than get a $80 blood test.

here is another tip, I tried day one with a vitamix.  It does a great job turning it into a smoothie but this is juicing you’re not suppose to be eating the pulp and my stomach was so extended that I could hardly breathe, I was squirming in bed in so much pain.   I thought it was me but after research you’re not suppose to do that, one meal maybe but by not chewing your body doesn’t kick in the enzymes to break down foods so my body had to work overtime majorly.    Next day I being cheap didn’t want to buy a juicer so got a nylon and strained it.    oh what a mess, oh it was miserable.   I went right out that day and bought a juicer.    not top of the line but not the cheapest either.  it is a jack LaLanne’s juicer.  so far I like it other that is spurts juice sometimes; wish there was a splash guard, especially working with beets.

Oh another pro, although this is not what I was going for I dropped 4 pounds in two days.  I know mostly water weight and fecal matter but you know what it makes me feel good to see the scale go down.  I have heard people loosing 25 lbs in 10 days on this. I Don’t recommend anything that gives you fast weight loss like that but sometimes one just needs a little motivation to push them to loosing more or starting a healthy lifestyle.

so there you go my little rant on juicing.  I figure why not everyone else is doing it. (I can hear my momma’s voice in my ears (If everyone jumped off a bridge would you?  No momma)   love that woman with all my heart.



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