I just love summer and planting gardens, I also love eating.
Combining the two items made for a wonderful night at bible study. At first everyone thought they were bringing a plant home, those who took left over’s home had husbands asking what kind of plant it was. They actually looked very real…………..The reason I think was the cookie choice I used.
Normally you use crumbled oreo cookies, but when I tied that, I found the white filling made it look fake. I tried it without the white filling and that was just a hassle to do and still had white specks. I then found a cookie that had a few things going for them. They were mint cookies so they matched well with the mint leaf used as a the plant, They added a taste enhancement to the chocolate pudding giving it a mint flavor and they were all brown, dark and light giving it a real look of dirt.
I also used solid color cups so that you couldn’t see the pudding in the bottom. I don’t think it looks like a real plant if you can see the pudding in the cup, If I am going to go through all this trouble I don’t want a fake looking dessert. I have see them using terra cotta mini pots or metal mini buckets, but I was afraid that wouldn’t be too safe to eat out. Over all I really enjoyed how they turned out and so did everyone else.
It was very simple: make the pudding, put in cups ~ crush up the cookies in a food processor and fill the rest of the cup with them ~ place a mint leaf in each cup. Simple as that.