two of my favorite flavors together are sweet and salty, adding a crunch factor is a bonus.
Step one: Find square pretzels………………..EHHHHHHHHH
They don’t make square pretzels in gluten free varieties that I have found. So I had to try to manage these on regular little hug pretzels. Tuff but it was doable.
Step two: spread candy coating on your pretzel……………….EHHHHHHHH
The candy coating was hard to work with and it got hard while you painstakingly arranged all these little flower designs on your pretzels. I used frosting and it worked fine albeit it was messy.
Step three: arrange the m&m’s into a flower………………EHHHHHHHH
Since I wasn’t using a square pretzel, arranging m&m’s onto a little GF pretzel was harder than it looked. I ended up buying mini m&m’s to use as a middle. The flowers were still a little off shape and the pretzel showed underneath but over all it was pretty cute.
Cuteness aside; the taste sensation of these little beauties was outstanding. What a great combo. Needless to say not a single one was left the next day. That was sad, but I have more frosting left so thinking I might sneak a few as soon as I am done here.
Okay done, enjoy.
Hint: Want the flavor sensation without having to go through all the trouble of making little flowers????? Perfect solution. Tub of frosting with mini m&m’s mixed in served with pretzels to dip. This has been a repeat request at most of my gatherings.