Traveling? Tips and Reviews of GF Friendly Places (AK, HI, OR, CA, MA, NH)

 NOTE:   To any of my readers that would love to give a review of your favorite GF place, please contact me and I can add it to this list.


Alaska GF places to eat (many options available)
Fairbanks AK


HAWAII – GF Information.

1. PF Changs Oahu Hawaii

2. Zippy’s, Oahu Hawaii

3. Outback Steakhouse, Kapolei Hawaii

4. Polynesian Cultural Center


Oregon – GF Information    So Many Good Places To Eat, Must visit updated 2021

Butterfly Belling: Asian

Elegant Elephant: Pastries

Petunia’s Pies and Pastries:

Jazzy Ladies: breakfast, lunch, pastries – A must to visit.

Eats and treats: bbq and pastries



California GF Information


Boston MA area

110 Grill    This is all around the east coast and is a super safe place to eat.

Kane’s Donuts. No explanation needed, GF donuts.

Legal Seafood, deep fried almost everything, dedicated fryers.

BenCotto, pizza and more

The Elephant Walk, Unique food choices and very good gluten free options


New Hampshire Area

Luccianos had a very large menu, owner has celiac and tons of desserts.  Mozzarella sticks in a dedicated fryer.




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